A journey of one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven point three miles by bike from Vancouver, B.C., to Mexico
Tune in often to hear musings and mumblings.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The birth of a blog

I've never blogged before. In fact, I just recently got a cell phone. I don't know if I'm 3G or 4G. I don't even know what a G is. Here goes!

Premise: I am going to be riding my bicycle from Vancouver, British Columbia south to the Mexico border (like Jimi Hendrix says, "I'm headin' down Mexico way").

Distance: One thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven point three miles. (I'm outfitted with a guidebook, known as "the bible" among Pacific coast tourers, and the suggested route is 1987.3 miles.) I'm both expecting and hoping that, in the end, I travel a greater distance.

Significance: 1987 happens to be a famous year in human history. The year of my birth. I turn 23 in a week. I'm unemployed, bachelor-ed (academically and personally), and a recent member of Barack Obama's Socialist Army.

1/30/1987...1987.3...Coincidence? No. It's an omen. A sign from the gods. Time to ride.

Preliminary Logisticating: I won't be leaving until mid March. Until then, I'll be training and updating this blog. Expect nothing. But do check back often. Until then, stay safe, and be peaceful to one another.**

**(thanks, Mark Wheat!).

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