A journey of one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven point three miles by bike from Vancouver, B.C., to Mexico
Tune in often to hear musings and mumblings.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Number Twenty Three Begins

Right now, snow is falling outside, snow falling on cedars, snow falling on pine boughs and it's just in time, a new layer of white, nature knows when to clean up her act and give us something fresh and cool. Thanks, nature. This means skiing tomorrow, though, I must admit, I'm itching to get my bike out. Hopefully I get some riding in before my trip begins.

The details of my trip are slowly taking form. The current plan involves taking a long and convoluted drive across the country (the best kind), with my final destination as Tacoma, WA, where my brother has graciously agreed to drive the last leg to Vancouver, B.C. where I begin my trip (he's especially gracious because he gets my car for six weeks). If you live between Minnesota and Tacoma, you might find me knocking on your door at a strange hour, asking if there is any room in the inn. Please say yes!

I read William Least Heat Moon's "Blue Highways," his narrative about driving round the country on America's backroads and little highways. Should I leave the interstates behind? I'm thinking so. Last summer I took Montana highway 200 across the northern part of the state, and it was just gorgeous. Forget interstate billboards and semis, I'll take the Crazy Mountains any day. And they really are called the Crazy Mountains. Perfect.

Well, the eponymous date for my blog passed just this weekend. 1-30-1987 then, 1-30-2010 now. I'm twenty three. I'm still accepting gifts, in case you were wondering.

Right now, I'm digging:
Kid A, Radiohead
Century Spring, and Live at the Cave, Mason Jennings
Tallest Man on Earth EP, Tallest Man on Earth
"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close", by Jonathan Safran Foer
(and pretty much anything by the Avett Brothers.)

Be on the lookout for zens of all sorts
especially the zens you know nothing about.
Listen for tractor driving songs
kind of like three minute poems,
singin' and sighin' and fish talkin'.

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