A journey of one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven point three miles by bike from Vancouver, B.C., to Mexico
Tune in often to hear musings and mumblings.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We've got a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarettes, it's 1,987.3 miles to Mexico, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.

The Blues Brothers say it so well:

We've got a full tank of gas, a half pack of cigarettes, it's 1,987.3 miles to Mexico, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.

This is my last night in a house, in a bed, and the last night before I begin pedaling north, then south, one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven point three miles, Vancouver to Mexico.

My saddle bags weigh in at 26 pounds, with food, and my tent adds an extra five pounds.

Tomorrow calls for a 90% chance of rain, so I might as well face up to the fact that it's going to be a wet and wild ride, at least until I hit the Bay Area. Maybe not, maybe the weather gods will smile upon me and my spandex, and grant tail winds and sunshine. Still, I'm packing rain gear and long underwear.

I'm nervous, and I'd be worried if I wasn't, but I'm going to take this one day at a time. Getting out of Vancouver might be a hassle, but after that I simply follow highway 101 and highway 1, south, the ocean to the right, the whole American continent to the left.

I'm also excited, and ready to see how I handle this voyage.

I'll be updating this blog when and where I can. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and I'll keep you in mine. This is the moment I've been long waiting for, and I'm just itching to get going. Still, I need to remain humble and keep my eyes and ears open along the way, and absorb the whole spectacular scene as I go.

Irish fisherman said a prayer that went something like this:

"Lord, your ocean is so big, and my boat is so small. Keep me safe, O Lord".

While I don't believe in God, I do believe that there are forces greater than myself, and I know just how big the ocean truly is. Here's to a safe and swift journey. Mountains, redwoods, coves, mists, I'm ready to meet you and feel you.

Be safe, and be well, and be good to yourselves. I will update all of you when and where I can.

As always, lots of love.



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